Honoring history through visual storytelling

Barnes and Jewish Hospitals each brought nearly a century of exceptional care and remarkable medical achievements to the table when they merged to form Barnes-Jewish Hospital. This important union built a strong foundation for what is now, a nationally recognized health system with quite a story to tell. But it needed to be told in a way that would captivate audiences and represent the considerable legacy of each organization.

Cover Design / Photo Curation / Book Design

Barnes-Jewish Hospital - Book Cover

For this in-depth medical history, Enrich developed a compelling design to build the visual narrative and engage the reader. Little-known historical details of this significant story are featured, while highlighting interesting images and artifacts. It was important to create a careful balance between the amount of text and number of images included.

Barnes-Jewish Hospital - Book Spread

As an academic medical center, Barnes-Jewish Hospital and its partner, Washington University School of Medicine, strive to be one of the best teaching hospitals in the country, recognized for excellence in research, teaching, and quality of patient care. Designing a 256-page book to chronicle the history of these prestigious hospitals, it’s people and medical accomplishments was a labor of love.

Barnes-Jewish Hospital - Book Spread

Thanks to a committed team working together for 3 years, the history of Barnes-Jewish Hospital is now well documented and preserved for the future. Special recognition goes to the project’s managing editor Steve Kohler, our long-time client and friend.