Highlighting a passion for plant-based

Joy Lenz, RD doesn’t just tell people that eating healthy can taste good – she shows them. Joy wanted a way to promote her nutrition-focused services and encourage potential clients to learn just how delicious a balanced, whole food, plant-based lifestyle can be.

Positioning / Strategy / Website Design

2019 / Graphic Design USA / Health & Wellness Award Winner

Bring Joy to Your Kitchen - Website

Joy’s new website clearly highlights her passion for whole food, plant-based nutrition. Visitors quickly learn how Joy can help them make changes in their own lives. Vibrantly colored vegetables create strong visual appeal and clients can easily book a session to get started. The website gives Joy a strong business foundation to grow her nutrition-focused business. Since its launch, Joy has added an online course which expands her services and broadens her audience to reach clients all over the country.

Bring Joy to Your Kitchen - Website Design